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How to use Login bypass link in AIV

AIV application can be integrated in any custom software applications as an embed application. But when user opn AIV application, default Login page will be displayed and user should provide valid user name and password to get access of application content. In this scenario, it is always required that when navigating from any page of application to AIV application, login page should not be displayed. As user is already logged in with valid credentials, it should directly login and open application.

To ovrecome this limitation, we have created an external link which bypass login screen when provided valid login credential with it.


In login bypass URL, there should not be any special characters in user name and password or this link will not work

Here is the format of Login bypass link,


Link Explanation:

  1. http://localhost:8080/aiv/ : This is URL to open AIV in a browser. Instead of localhost, if company uses any domain name & port number, just provide ip address or domain name instead of localhost and port number instead of 8080

  2. loginbypass : From this attribute, user can identify login bypass link from normal link

  3. department_code::user_name : If user has departments created in application, they should pass department code at the place of department_code and department user name at the place of user_name in this URL


If there is no department, no need to add department code, just provide user_name in url and remove department_code:: from the link

  1. password_here : provide a valid password for entered user here

If SSO and External security is enabled, no need to send password here, just pass `null in place of password. user need to pass valid session token id which is explained in next point.

  1. token_id : If there is External security and SSO is enabled, user need to pass valid sesstion token along with this URL.
  • If SSO and External security is enabled, no need to send password here, just pass `null in place of password and pass valid token at the end of URL.

  • If SSO and External security is not enabled, pass token as null and user should provide valid password in password field

A Very first question came in to one's mind is how to use this URL.

Let's consider an example, There is a compnay XYZ,who owns or built financial software solution and they want to represent major KPI's in terms form of dashboard visualization. for this reason they decided to integrated AIV inside their application in dashboard page. so when user login in to their application, user will have advantage to analyse and visualize major KPI's and reports when he navigate to dashboard section where AIV is integrated.

Here, login bypass link will came in to picture. when user click on navigation link to navigate on dashboard page, his user name, password or token [depends if SSO is enabled or disabled] in this login url from front end. for example, one user jhon is logging in to comapny's application and he clicks on navigation link to open dashboard. in this case URL navigation URL should be,

And this URL will open in a new page where AIV will validate login credential provided in this link and jhon will landed on a default landing page of the apllication. Here jhon will not see any login screen of AIV as it is bypassed using login bypass link.