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Formatting Properties of Pie - Donut Chart

Formatting Properties: This video contains how to use formatting properties of pie-donut chart in AIV.


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Read 5 minutes tutorial here.

* User can apply required appearance settings to the Chart:-​

* Formatting Settings Menu:- ​

  • The Formatting properties are used to control and apply all the information appearance in pie chart through the categories of General, Series, Legend properties.

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* General Properties:- ​

  • The General settings used to add Color and Theme changes as user required, Chart title, Chart information tooltip, Export settings are used to control by the general.

  • The Bottom menu contains buttons of Previous, Next, Preview, Cancel and Save and Exit.

  • Previous and Next used to go from next tab to previous tab in edit menu box.

  • Preview is one of the most important features of AIV, as user make any changes and to see the reflection of setting o chart user have to click on preview button.

  • Cancel used to close the edit box, the settings you apply will be stay saved on widget but by clicking on the cancel button, the edit box will be closed.

  • Save and Exit it used to save the settings and Exit from the Edit menu box.

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* Series Properties:- ​

  • Series Properties are used to apply the pie chart series settings like slice appearance, tick’s appearance, labels, grouping of series, customized tooltips, dynamic labels.

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Click on below link to know more about Series Properties

Series Properties​

* Legend Properties:- ​

  • Legends’s properties are used to add legends to the pie chart and apply user required appearance settings to legends.
  • The Legends properties contains legend alignment, Inherit from series, Font properties, legend background, legend markers.

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Click on below link to know more about Series Properties

Legend Properties​

βœ’οΈ To know more about other General properties click on below links:-

1. Chart Appearance​

2. Chart Title​

3. Chart Tooltip​

4. Color and Theme Property​

5. Dynamic Dataset Color​

6. Export Filename​

7. Global Thousand and Decimal Separator​

8. Include Null Value​