📄️ Layers, views & Tabs
The AIVHUB application enables the users to create multiple layers within a single dashboard which may contain may different tabs.The primary advantage of creating multiple layers is that only relevant widgets would be shown in the current layer which makes it easy for the end-user to understand the information displayed on the AIVHUB dashboard.
📄️ Layer Widget
* The primary advantage of creating multiple layers is that only relevant widgets would be shown in the current layer which makes it easy for the end-user to understand the information displayed on the AIVHUB dashboard.
📄️ Filter Data
* AIVHUB application allows its users to apply filters on widgets that are present across different layers and tabs.
📄️ Layer Sorting
Layer Sorting: This video contains how can user can sort layer in the dashboard in AIV.
📄️ Dynamic Linking
Dynamic Linking: This video contains how to dynamically link widgets in AIV.
📄️ Layer Settings
* The user can set the Panel Background Color, Maximize widget by color, widget icon color, box-shadow color, blur, spread, and other similar properties related to the widget
📄️ Dashboard View
* The AIVHUB application enables the users to to view the dashboard created by them in different devices.The primary advantage of this is that the user can provide only as many widgets as he/she wants to show in a particular device.
📄️ Layer change Event
Layer change Event: This video contains how to shift from one layer to another using custom visualization..